How to draw lotus flowers in just a few simple steps UwU

Category: Drawing flowers & fruits 3 years ago
Welcome back to the flower drawing series. Today I would like to send you a tutorial on how to draw lotus, which looks not easy but incredibly easy, in just a few simple steps that anyone can do UwU. Soooo, let's begin:>!
How to draw lotus flowers in just a few simple steps UwU
Step 1: Draw a circle to identify the pistil and the direction of petals. Depending on the view, the circle will have a certain change in shape, circular or elliptical.

Step 2: Draw the first layer of petals, note to make it soft and show the curvature of the petals. By the way, draw a smaller circle/oval inside the pistil to impress the center.

How to draw lotus flowers in just a few simple steps - Image 1

Step 3: Draw the outer layer of petals a little more blooming, depending on how much you want the flower to bloom:> Remember to draw it as soft as possible UwU

Step 4: Redraw the main details (petals, pistil...) by lining pen, and erase the hidden part of the pistil.

How to draw lotus flowers in just a few simple steps - Image 2

Step 5: Do the same with the other flowers. Draw some leaves to make the picture less empty:>

Step 6: Full the color. Lotus has 2 main colors: white and lotus pink (the color of the goddess's lipstick that the sisters dodge like avoiding evil =))))). For the water surface, here I use 2 main colors, turquoise blue and lake green for the lake surface. Don't forget to shade the petals and leaves so the picture looks more lively. You can use blending techniques with watercolors to make the transition smoother.

That's it done UwU. It's simple and easy to do right, good luck to everyone<3


Tags:   how to draw lotus      step by step    

Jeremy Harriet 3 years ago
Wow, so beautiful!
Moujik 3 years ago
Nice blog, thank you!
Amelia Reyes 3 years ago
Not really simple, but very nice and useful. Thank you!

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